How TikTok and Instagram Revolutionize Your Brand Presence. Four Tips from Grant Sikkema

Interior Education with Tori Sikkema, Interior | Brand Photographer + Stylist

Grant Sikkema is a business student at the Culver School of Business, University of Alabama, that loves Marketing and Entrepreneurship. He is also a former intern at Tori Sikkema Photography, where he helped and managed social media platforms, took photographs, etc. He shares his experience as an intern and what he learned and discovered during his internship journey.

Get inspired as Grant shares his social media platform strategies to increase your brand presence and awareness, especially on TikTok and Instagram and the younger generation’s perspective on social media.


During the summer, Grant helped out his mom and became her intern. One of his duties and responsibilities is managing the business’s social media pages, like TikTok, Instagram, and others. Aside from that, he also helped in the photography side of the business, where he helped set up the gear and gadgets and take pictures.

His mom didn’t teach him how to take proper shots with the camera, and he picked up his photography skills by watching her work, and he could do it without any problems.

All in all, he learned many things during his internship, ranging from photography to social media.


One of the tasks that Grant successfully did as an intern was setting up the business TikTok account and increasing its presence on that platform. Grant mentioned that TikTok and Instagram might seem similar. However, they still operate differently. Instagram, an older platform, offers features like reels, stories, lives, and much more to keep users on the site. Meanwhile, TikTok uses fast-paced, short-form videos to keep users on its site.

There’s a difference in the audience of the two platforms. As Instagram is an older platform, it can have various audiences from different age groups. TikTok, a newer app than Instagram, mainly has the younger generation (gen Z and millennials). Depending on your target audience, you can use either platform to catch their attention.

Compared to Instagram, TikTok is rapidly dominating the social media market, particularly among younger users: Gen Z and Millennials. People spend an average of 29 minutes on Instagram vs. 52 minutes on TikTok.

“I would say my generation, gen Z, post-millennials use TikTok more. As the younger kids are starting to get on technology, they’re starting to use TikTok more. So, I would say influencing the younger generation on TikTok is a lot easier and a lot more influential.”

Grant Sikkema


One of the strategies you can do on TikTok to increase your presence is to upload videos daily on your account. This should help catch the attention of the people. Aside from that, your videos on TikTok shouldn’t be long, and remember your audience’s attention span.

1. Jump on current trends

make sure you create videos that leverage whatever is trending at the time. Of all the tips for TikTok, making the most of viral sounds, memes, challenges, video ideas, and trending hashtags is likely to have the most significant effect on your visibility.

Trends are the currency on TikTok, where the most popular can inspire thousands of spin-off videos. The algorithm will push the most popular out to more users, garnering more videos, views, and engagement… 

2. Use the right hashtags #

Using the most popular hashtags on TikTok as the basis of creative content production can help set your brand apart and make you more visible to the right users. 

Since hashtags are one of the factors the TikTok algorithm looks at when deciding which content to promote, using the right ones will ensure your content is targeted at the right audiences – and much more likely to be favorably received. 

3. Keep your videos short

Your videos should be short – the shorter, the better! – to maximize watch time and completion rates. TikTok’s primary audience is generation, gen Z, and this age group is very demanding on digital content: you only have 8 seconds to capture our attention (for Millennials, it’s 12). You must make it clear early on that your video is worth watching.

4. Content needs to be consistent and fast

Be responsive. If you have a video that starts gaining traction, follow up fast! Repost, respond and create additional videos promptly. 

Engagement speed and variety are essential on TikTok, so waves of responses will help push a video further. Follow up quickly with new video content to maximize your reach and build that authority.


Grant mentioned a TikTok account that has influenced not only him but also the younger generation. Bradley Kraut is known for his nickname “Academic Weapon.” His TikTok content revolves around motivation and productivity. He encourages people to go to school, be on time, wake up early, and much more. He approaches it in a comedic way which attracts the people’s attention.

“So I will say he influenced me a little bit. He put a smile on my face. And, you know, he made me want to get it more. So, I’ve been following this guy for about two months now, and his videos cracked me up. But they also inspire me to tackle life and take hold of the so Bradley Kraut is an influential guy.”

Grant Sikkema


Technology is advancing as time passes, and everyone’s lives depend on and revolve around it. Although it may seem that the younger generation focuses more on technology, Grant mentions that they still take time off the internet to physically hang out and interact with their friends. However, we can never deny how much technology has influenced us.

The younger generation is constantly looking for people who can help their lives somehow. If you can grab the attention of the people and help and guide them, you’ll benefit them. In return, you can level up your business or organization.


Grant is open to accepting exciting internship opportunities that he can take. He aims to enhance his skills and knowledge in social media management. Aside from that, he is still willing to help out in his mom’s business.

Have an internship opportunity for Grant? Here is how you can find him!


Grant has Social Media Packages available to manage your brand’s social media, so reach out and get started kicking ass on your platforms!

Until next time, take one new action that lifts up your brand!

Tune in for Branding, Marketing, and Business

The Journal


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